Tuesday, April 19, 2005

It's a Blog!

Great -- go figure. I finally decide to start a blog and I can't think of anything to say.

I'm starting this blog for 3 reasons:

*To improve my writing -- and to give myself an outlet for my writing. I love to talk and I love to type. Perhaps writing for an audience, no matter how imaginary or small, will help me to make my writing more professional.

*I want a place to express my ideas. Okay, that's probably the same as 'giving myself an outlet for my writing.'

*Links! I run across great sites all the time, and I'd like to pass them on. Hopefully you will be able to come here when you're bored and find some site to browse. I'd like include links to all things neatz0rz. So, the next time you're reeaaaaallllly bored, say when Fred over at http://Megatokyo.com forgets to update, perhaps you'll think of me, and this blog. And when you come here you should find either something funny, or at least a link to an amusing site!
I'm also hoping that I won't be too boring or innane.

Speaking of inane -- you've heard of Hitchcock's "The Birds," right? A pair of those birds has managed to escape, and they've found their way to my house. It started last week, right at dawn -- an anoying thump, followed by a thwack. Then it reapeated. Again. And again. . . and again? These crazy birds decided that they need to nest in my house, and no mere window is going to stand in their way. Don't birds ever get headaches?

By the end of the first day the humans had declared war. The instant scratching was heard -- no matter where the window or where the human -- someone was dispatched to 'take care of things.' Ten times an hour the birds would choose a window and start attacking it. Scratching, pecking, flying into it full-speed ahead. . . and they only stopped when we sent a *noisy* kid to take care of the problem. Me? They couldn't care less when I yelled at them.

And then they found the back windows. Not even a Science Fair project board stuck up in the window would stop them. And they switched tactics, too -- whenever they felt or heard or -- well, somehow they can tell when a human is coming towards them. And then they'd fly away. Leaving a quite a few people feeling stupid 'caus we got up and walked clear to the window for nothing. And when someone walks away from the window, then they come back, and start scratching and bashing again.

Will this ever stop? Will the birds invade our house? Why do they think our house is the best place for them to build their house?

I don't even want to know anymore. It's night now, and the birds have predictibly stopped. They will be back in the morning. . .

Wait -- Who am I? I'm Lelvina -- and that's all that matter, right? I hope you have enjoyed reading this -- and please keep the comments clean, okay? People who are related to me might read this one day. And I don't really wanna read anything gross or crude. Thanks guys.

And that is all.

And please, if you see a bird, tell it to go away. I'm getting sick of the whole thing.